Natal Sun represents the zodiac sign under which you were born, and from there, the other houses are calculated clockwise. If your Sun is in Scorpio, then your natal house is Scorpio (Vrischika Rasi). This article explores the effects of the transit Moon forming various aspects with the natal Sun, including conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition, and how they influence your life.
Transit MOON conjunct Natal Sun
During this transit, the Moon and Sun align in the same sign, creating a strong connection between your physical vitality and emotions. This harmony boosts your confidence levels and improves your mood. It also enhances your relationships with the opposite gender and highlights the importance of group activities. However, be cautious of malefic influences, as they can lead to challenging experiences. Additionally, it is advisable to avoid surgeries during this period to control excessive bleeding.
Transit MOON Sextile Natal Sun
When the Moon forms a sextile aspect with your natal Sun, it brings a sense of enterprise, ambition, confidence, and a positive outlook. However, you may also feel tired from the burden of daily activities, prompting you to reconsider the nature of your work. Emotionally satisfying relationships are emphasized, and this transit is beneficial for activities such as reading, writing, communicating, and making new friends.
Transit MOON Square Natal Sun
During this transit, hidden tensions within your family may resurface, leading to disturbances in relationships with the opposite gender. It is advisable to avoid individuals with eccentric behavior and refrain from making significant changes at home or work. Travel should also be avoided, and anger management is necessary. However, if benefic planets aspect this transit, it has the potential to enhance your physical and mental energies.
Transit MOON Trine Natal Sun
When the Moon trines your natal Sun, it is a favorable transit for investments and speculative ventures, potentially leading to good profits. You will experience better understanding in your relationships, and it’s an ideal time to engage in entertainment activities. Your physical and emotional energies will be at their peak, empowering you with authority over others.
Transit MOON Opposition Natal Sun
During the transit Moon’s opposition to your natal Sun, you may experience anxiety and worry. It is crucial to strike a balance between work and family responsibilities while avoiding getting carried away. This transit is not suitable for initiating new relationships as they may lack stability. However, if your Moon and Sun are well-placed in your natal chart, this transit can be constructive. Adverse situations should be approached with common sense.
Remember, the influences of the transit Moon in aspects to your natal Sun are unique to each individual. Understanding these aspects can provide valuable insights into your life and help you navigate through different phases with greater ease.