The placement of Mars in Leo indicates a strong desire for self-expression and creativity through actions. You have a natural need for attention and recognition, which often leads you to seek the spotlight and boost your self-esteem. Mars in Leo creates a harmonious energy, as Leo and Mars-ruled Aries share a natural trine. The fixed fire of Leo amplifies the active Mars principle, unleashing its power and strength. However, there is a danger of becoming too dominant with this energy.
In addition, Mars represents the animus in the psyche. If you are male with Mars in Leo, you are likely to embody characteristics associated with Leo to showcase your masculinity. On the other hand, if you are female, you may be attracted to someone who possesses Leo-associated traits.
With Mars in Leo, you often feel insecure about your identity and seek validation through attention. Your ego recognizes its own illusionary nature and relies on receiving attention to maintain its sense of reality. Consequently, you become obsessed with the need for recognition and attention. You may resort to outrageous or obnoxious behavior in order to monopolize the stage of life and call attention to yourself. Alternatively, you might become timid and hesitant to express yourself, fearing embarrassment or the exposure of your inner secrets. Worst of all, you may put in effort and not receive any recognition.
Mars in the 8th House
The placement of Mars in the 8th House is generally favorable. Mars’ association with desire and sexuality greatly influences this view. The 8th House traditionally represents sexuality, and Mars in this placement suggests a comfortable and confident expression of masculinity. You are likely to have a strong ability to intimately express your sexuality.
Moreover, Mars in the 8th House enhances your ability to act with intensity and focus. This power emanates from within you, enabling you to act with strength and fearlessness. Your actions often inspire trust and respect, leading to opportunities for leadership or management. In your pursuit of intimacy through actions, you may also seek control. This desire for control can become an obsession, inhibiting your ability to act freely. You may feel the need to keep your power and actions secret, fearing loss of control. On the other hand, you may also experience a drive to liberate this power within you.
If you have Mars in the 8th House and struggle with inner insecurities, you will crave intimacy but find it difficult to achieve. Your ego stands in the way of experiencing true intimacy, but you are unwilling to let go of it. Instead, you exert control over others, whether they are your partners, associates, or the situations you find yourself in. Control becomes the central motive for all your actions, as it assures you of maintaining power over others. If you lose control of a situation, you may react with either aggression or withdrawal into your own intimate space, where you can brood over perceived wrongs and plan your revenge.
Focus of Desires
With Mars in the 8th House, your desires are often centered around seeking intimacy or control. This can manifest as a desire for sexual intimacy or a thirst for power. Some individuals with Mars in this placement might express their desire for power through occult practices. For others, intimacy may be sought in the experience of the ultimate intimacy with life and death. Your desires tend to be private, kept close to your heart and shared only with a select few, if at all.
Uncover deeper insights into your personality, motivations, and desires with an In-Depth Astrology & Numerology Natal Chart Analysis.
Article referenced from:
- Gargatholil, Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook – Volume 2: Planets in Signs
- Gargatholil, Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook – Volume 3: Planets in Houses
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