To say that Neptune conjunct North Node people are idealistic is an understatement. Their passionate beliefs drive them to extraordinary acts, as exemplified by the courageous Claus Von Stauffenberg, the German aristocrat executed for organizing an attempt to assassinate Hitler.
A Remarkable Chart Alignment
From my Astral DNA report, we learn that in 1944, the German army executed Von Stauffenberg, a senior army officer, for conspiring to kill Adolf Hitler. The daring “Operation Valkyrie” failed at the last moment when the dictator changed his schedule unexpectedly. These plotters, privileged men who could have coasted through the war on their Aryan credentials, instead chose to try and avert the Holocaust.
Born with the outer planet Neptune conjunct the North Node in Cancer, Von Stauffenberg could only envision the future and his aspirations within the confines of an idealistic construct. The Moon rules the sign of Cancer, and the Lunar Nodes represent significant points crossed by the Moon on her journey around the Earth. Therefore, a Cancerian Node holds extraordinary potency, and Neptune always brings a visionary influence.
Cinematic Intensity and Sentiment
Neptune conjunct the North Node can also manifest with cinematic intensity and sentiment. Von Stauffenberg, realizing that the plot would likely fail and result in execution for all involved, desperately wanted the world to know that not all Germans supported the Nazi regime. In the context of that era, Cancer represents the ‘Mother’ archetype, and people often referred to their homeland as the ‘mother country.’
A Mission Fueled by Planetary Alignments
Von Stauffenberg, a Scorpio with his Sun conjunct Mercury, was in sync with Saturn in Pisces. This alignment alone speaks volumes about someone driven by a distinct and austere life mission. His Mars in idealistic Aquarius squared his Sun-Mercury, while his Saturn squared Pluto. Individuals born under the Saturn-Pluto alignment often end up playing important roles in history or within their culture.
In Von Stauffenberg’s natal birth chart, the Saturn-Pluto alignment expressed more powerfully. Saturn was trine his Sun and Mercury, while Pluto squared his Mars. This suggests that the inner planets tapped into the broader, bigger-than-any-one-person outer planet alignments. However, the audacious concept of killing Hitler? That was the Neptune-North Node energy at play.
A Remarkable Quote
As Von Stauffenberg embarked on his treacherous mission, he made a bold statement, “Let’s be blunt, I am committing high treason with all my might and means.” These words encapsulate his unwavering determination and commitment to his cause.
It’s worth noting that in Norse mythology, the Valkyrie are warrior goddesses and fate deities. The name itself means “chooser of the slain.” Von Stauffenberg and his fellow conspirators were fully aware of the likelihood of their deaths on this perilous venture.
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