I’ve noticed that Pluto has been heavily romanticized in the world of astrology, much like Scorpio. Whether this is due to a lack of personal experience with Plutonic relationships or simply humans’ need to feel something deeply transformative, one thing is clear – Pluto is not easy to handle, even if the aspects are considered ‘positive’ or ‘lighter’. If you have many aspects between your personal planets and Pluto, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. The need to merge with the Universe, to delve into the depths of the soul, these are all Plutonian traits. And while this process can be deeply transformative and full of potential for growth, it can also leave you feeling wounded and scarred for life.
But ultimately, these experiences serve as a reminder of growth.
In this article, I will focus specifically on Pluto’s aspects to personal planets, as Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus are generational planets and their mutual contacts have more impact on the collective level rather than on a personal level.
Pluto – Sun Aspects
The attraction between Pluto and the Sun is immediate and magnetic. The Sun person is drawn to the light of the Pluto person, and this connection can be highly productive, especially in the case of trines or sextiles. It allows both individuals to explore their strengths and play off each other’s energy. However, with squares, it can become a battle of egos, as the Sun person tries to assert their own will. Ultimately, Pluto doesn’t deal with ego; it delves into the essence of one’s being. This type of synastry can create a powerful connection that goes beyond just lovers and can even seem like they ‘hate’ each other. But together, they have the potential to create miracles when their power is united.
Pluto – Moon Aspects
When the Moon squares Pluto in a synastry, the gentle nature of the Moon stands no chance. It’s not about restriction; it’s about pure fear. The Moon person feels the energy of Pluto at a deep, subconscious level, and it disrupts their peace, creating emotional floods and droughts in their soul. With trines and sextiles, there is a powerful emotional bond and a sense of destiny, even if it may not be the case. The intensity between them is what they both desire and will not be easily separated. Together, they can create a sort of sanctuary for each other.
Pluto – Venus Aspects
The attraction between Pluto and Venus is intense and palpable. Pluto has a strong desire to possess the Venus person, and the sexual attraction is undeniable. This connection is not casual; it’s all or nothing. It’s a connection that will be remembered for a lifetime. In some cases, there may be dark or even violent aspects to this relationship, but it’s a bond that both individuals deeply desire. Many of these relationships are connected to some sort of taboo, but the attraction between them is so strong that nothing can hold them back. If you’ve experienced this type of synastry, you’ll understand that the depth of connection cannot be put into words.
Pluto – Mars Aspects
When Pluto and Mars come together, it’s a battle of the titans. With trines or sextiles, both individuals feel empowered and driven towards each other. Their goals and desires align, and it can be a powerful union. However, with squares or oppositions, things can escalate quickly. If sex is involved, it can be mind-blowing, but even in non-sexual relationships, there is an underlying battle between Mars’ desire for immediate action and Pluto’s need for a deep, transformative experience. It’s important to tread carefully in these situations, as power and strength can come from all parts of human nature.
If you find yourself with multiple or mutual Pluto-inner planet aspects, it’s likely that letting go of that person won’t be easy. My advice is to observe and act accordingly. And remember, you are not doomed. Just like everything else in your chart, this aspect is a blessing if you’re willing to keep your eyes open and your mind clear.
Remember, astrology is a tool for self-discovery and understanding, but it’s ultimately up to you to navigate these aspects and make the most of the connections you have with others.