Keywords: Partnership, Friendship, Unity, Cooperation, Love
Two of Cups Tarot Card Description
A young man and woman, holding golden cups, stand facing each other. The man’s hand reaches out to touch the woman’s hand. She is wearing a laurel victory wreath and he wears a wreath of roses. The woman’s clothes are reminiscent of The High Priestess’s robes and the man’s clothes are reminiscent of The Fool. Between the two goblets we see a caduceus of Hermes – a wand with two serpents entwined around it. Normally the caduceus would be topped by two wings, but in the Two of Wands it is topped by a winged red lion’s head.
The caduceus is symbolic of balance and harmony. It represents the positive and negative, darkness and light, yin and yang, and male and female energies. The winged red lion’s head symbolizes the strength that these combinations bring.
What The Two of Cups Means In A Tarot Reading
Often, when we see the Two of Cups in a reading, the first thing that comes to mind is love. This card signifies friendship, partnership, and love. It represents two compatible individuals sharing their love for one another. There is mutual respect and affection present.
The Two of Cups can indicate a new love entering your life or a deepening of love and affection in an existing relationship. It may also suggest that your relationship is about to enter a new phase. This could involve an engagement, marriage, or any other form of commitment.
However, the Two of Cups is not solely about romantic love. It can also represent any kind of partnership, whether it be with a colleague or a friend. This card signifies a harmonious and cooperative relationship, where there is a strong sense of balance and compatibility. It symbolizes a mutually beneficial union.
Two of Cups Love And Relationships Tarot Meaning
All of the above meanings also apply to the Two of Cups in a love reading. This card represents the bond between best friends. If you pull the Two of Cups when questioning a new relationship, it is a positive sign. It suggests that you will connect with this person on a deep emotional level. There will be harmony, balance, and a strong sense of cooperation. This person will be there for you when you need them.
The Two of Cups often appears in the early stages of a relationship, but it can also indicate a deepening commitment, such as engagement, marriage, or a reconciliation. If you have been through a tough time as a couple and the Two of Cups appears in your reading, it signifies a restoration of balance and a reconciliation.
This card represents true love.
Two of Cups Career Tarot Meaning
The Two of Cups is a favorable card to see in a career reading. If you are asking about a new job, it suggests that you will find great support in this position. There will be a strong spirit of cooperation and collaboration. You may form a strong bond with a supportive colleague who will work well with you.
In readings about business partnerships, the Two of Cups indicates a partnership that will bring harmony and cooperation. This partnership will be beneficial to you, leading to success and fulfillment in your career.
Remember, the Two of Cups represents unity and cooperation in all areas of life, whether it be love, relationships, or career.