Natal Uranus represents the placement of Uranus during your birth. As Uranus takes 84 years to return to its natal position, this transit is not of much significance for individuals. However, countries, states, and large organizations can experience the Transit Uranus conjunct Natal Uranus. For individuals, aspects such as sextile, square, trine, and opposition are more relevant. In this article, we will discuss these aspects for those who were born with Uranus in Scorpio.
Transit Uranus conjunct Natal Uranus:
During this transit, restlessness and a desire for freedom become predominant. The individual feels a strong inclination towards scientific, technological, occult, and mystical subjects, often seeking associations with institutions that specialize in these areas. Intuition plays a vital role, as the individual begins to realize spiritual realities.
Transit Uranus Sextile Natal Uranus:
Exciting new and original ideas become characteristic of this transit. The individual experiences mental enlightenment through creative and innovative thoughts. Intuition helps guide them towards achieving their objectives. With a strong intellectual interest in science, technology, occultism, and mystical subjects, the individual may find organizational activities particularly important and fulfilling.
Transit Uranus Square Natal Uranus:
A desire to break away from responsibilities defines this transit. The individual may rebel against established authorities and find themselves in conflict with family members, friends, and colleagues. Unforeseen circumstances could unsettle the individual, leaving them feeling insecure and uneasy. This position is often seen after retirement, where individuals find themselves seeking purpose and meaning in life. Developing hobbies during the working years can make this transition less challenging.
Transit Uranus Trine Natal Uranus:
Significant life changes occur during this transit, driven by original and creative ideas. The individual seeks to establish new friendships and associations that align with their clairvoyant vision and intuitive faculties. This period is highly favorable for scientific, technological, occult, and mystical studies, such as astrology. Business and professional interests thrive by embracing modern technology and engaging in scientific research. Opportunities for joint ventures, corporate grants, government funds, inheritances, and insurances may arise.
Transit Uranus Opposition Natal Uranus:
Erratic, eccentric, and disruptive behavior characterizes this transit. Desiring freedom, the individual experiences disruption in friendships and group activities, making it difficult to achieve their goals. This transit is particularly challenging between the ages of 40 and 50, when family responsibilities peak. Corporate business and joint financial ventures may face difficulties, and the individual may encounter challenges with taxes, inheritances, government loans, and the legal matters of deceased individuals.
It is important to note that while these aspects provide insights into possible experiences during Uranus transits, individual circumstances may vary. Embrace the opportunities for growth and self-discovery that each transit brings, as they can lead to significant personal and spiritual development.
Remember, the movements of the planets and their influence on our lives are an ever-evolving journey. Stay open to the possibilities and trust in the transformative power of the universe.