Capricorn decan 2, ruled by Mars and Venus, is undoubtedly the most authoritative and competitive decan of Capricorn. From January 1st to 10th, the Sun shines through the constellations of the Archer, the Harp, the Octans, the Peacock, and the Eagle, bestowing immense strength and command upon those born under this decan. These individuals have an inherent desire to display their achievements in material form and are known to flaunt their strengths in an ostentatious manner.
The Ambitious Romantics
Capricorn decan 2 is known for its grandiosity, but it also runs the risk of succumbing to delusions of grandeur. These centaurs set their sights high, just like their status-seeking tropical Capricorn counterparts. Artists and musicians born under this decan have a penchant for finely-crafted furniture and demand the highest quality instruments. They have an aversion to cheap, mass-produced items and would rather wait until they can afford the high-spec versions they truly desire.
Capricorn decan 2 firmly believes that they are destined for greatness, and this belief often leads them to disregard anything they perceive as “inferior.” Some individuals from this decan can be bigoted, even referring to people from lower social classes as plebs or worse, “savages.” They take it upon themselves to civilize what they consider the “rougher” folk, acting as missionaries of refinement.
However, if Capricorn decan 2 fails to reach the impossibly high standards they set for themselves, they may struggle with self-loathing and depression. The inability to be the very best can take a toll on their mental wellbeing. These goats may also direct their anger and frustration towards those they believe are holding them back from dominating the world. Yet, it is precisely this domineering energy that makes them excellent leaders, particularly as headmasters and headmistresses, for they exude an aura of authority.
Despite their potential for dominance, the ladies born under Capricorn decan 2 prefer to keep themselves well-covered. Their nature is not fickle or promiscuous, but they do take sex very seriously. The goats of this decan are passionate creatures, either abstaining for long periods or embracing moments of intense pleasure. They are all or nothing.
Barristers & Baritones
These individuals can fluctuate between celibacy and surprising promiscuity. Periodically, they require a good Saturnalia to blow off some steam before returning to their more restrained selves. Those born under the high vibration of Capricorn decan 2 make for fantastic and dependable rocks to lean on. They take charge and organize everything in your life, completing the tedious tasks that others avoid. Their stamina knows no bounds, and they get things done without complaint. While they may not be skilled at sugar-coating, they offer ruthless loyalty and unwavering honesty.
Artistic Domination
Functionality is key to everything in the life of Capricorn decan 2. If something happens to be decorative, it is likely meant to showcase the high status of its owner rather than provide sensual or visual pleasure. This decan values medals, uniforms that denote rank, framed qualifications, sports cups displayed in cabinets, and, most noticeably, expensive automobiles. A Harley Davison with shiny chrome and extra-long pointy phallic exhaust pipes embodies the essence of Capricorn decan 2.
The Three of Pentacles tarot card is associated with this decan, representing architects and specialized tradesmen. It signifies the importance of learning practical skills and committing to long-term projects that leave a lasting impact. Churches, a symbol of usefulness, longevity, and sacredness, are the epitome of this card’s themes.
Capricorn Decan 2: Fixed Stars & Meaning
Nunki, Ascella, and Vega are the fixed stars that influence Capricorn decan 2. Nunki, associated with authoritative oratory on topics related to Sagittarius and Capricorn, business, state or foreign affairs, and religion, interests those born under this decan. Ascella brings good fortune and lasting happiness. Vega, on the other hand, brings criticality, abruptness, reservedness, fleeting honors, influential positions, insincere friends, and a touch of magic to life. It is through music and the arts that feminine energy finds expression in this decan, allowing individuals to become charismatic leaders or dedicate themselves to a cause.
The Competitive Journey
Mars, ruling this decan, makes its natives exceptionally ambitious, believing themselves to be important contributors to civilization. They prioritize industriousness and often find themselves unable to step off the treadmill of work. At times, they yearn for someone to disrupt their relentless pursuit of success. This desire can push Capricorn decan 2 individuals to embrace idleness and stubbornness, echoing the Taurus triplicity that also governs this decan.
There is a touch of dark humor and a sprinkle of the supernatural in some of those born under this decan, reflecting a hint of Beelzebul’s influence. Austin Coppock aptly describes this decan as the Pyramid, emphasizing the construction of hierarchies and the architecture of civilization. While pyramids remain enigmatic, they are also emblematic of hierarchies. Souls must ascend through stages of evolution to return to their source. Capricorn decan 2 reflects this upward journey towards excellence and aspiration.
Examples of Sun Capricorn 2: Richard Nixon, Kim Jong-un, Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, J.R. Tolkien, Jeane Dixon, Stephen Hawking, Cicero, Alan Watts, Mel Gibson, Nicholas Cage, Rowan Atkinson, Nigella Lawson, Victoria Principal, Elvis Presley, David Bowie, Donna Summer, Shirley Bassey, Marilyn Manson, Syd Barrett, R. Kelly, Jimmy Page, Joan Baez, Crystal Gayle, Henri Matisse, Yves Tanguy, Louis Braille, Eris Discovery, John Edgar Hoover, Ian Brady, Linda Lovelace, Lyle Menendez, Jim Bakker, Christy Turlington, Catherine Duchess of Cambridge, Michael Schumacher, Henri Matisse, United Kingdom, The Euro, Ceres Discovery, Taylor/Burton Davison Chart.
Note: For more information on associated fixed stars, planets, and angles, refer to the eBook or members-only content.
Capricorn decan 2, a potent blend of Mars and Venus energy, propels individuals born under this decan on a journey of ambition, dominance, and status-seeking. While there may be risks of arrogance and elitism, the material gains earned by these individuals are well-deserved. They understand the value of hard work and do not expect rewards to be handed to them on a silver platter. Capricorn decan 2 is driven by a competitive spirit, constantly striving to reach new heights of excellence and leaving their mark on civilization.