Aspects in astrology are like different dimensions that describe and integrate the unique aspects of your personality. By using trigonometry-based rules, astrologers can understand the complex layers of your psyche. In this article, we will explore aspects in astrology, focusing on the powerful dynamic between the Sun and the Moon. Discover how this aspect allows you to express your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign qualities more clearly.
Understanding Aspects
To truly think like an astrologer, you need to combine all the different “voices” within you to form a complete understanding of your identity. Instead of analyzing each part individually, focus on synthesis. Aspects provide a way to integrate and describe the various facets of your being.
Sun Square Moon or Moon Square Sun
If you were born with a square aspect between the Sun and Moon in your birth chart, these celestial bodies are positioned approximately 90 degrees apart. To determine if this aspect is present in your chart, look for a square symbol connecting the Sun and Moon in the grid at the bottom of your birth chart.
Being born with a Sun Square Moon means that you were born when the Moon was in its first or third quarter phase. This lunar influence shapes how you perceive the world. You may find that your personality reflects a degree of inner tension, which can manifest in various areas of your life. This tension often drives you to overcome limitations and embark on a journey to understand your true self.
For most individuals born with a Sun Square Moon aspect, the Sun and Moon are likely to be positioned in signs of the same Mode but different Element. This means that the fundamental forces shaping your personality share the same impulses but express them from different perspectives. For example, you may have a Cardinal square between Earth and Air signs or a Mutable square between Fire and Water signs, depending on the sign in which the Sun was found at your birth.
While the square aspect may create tension in your life, it also propels you towards greater creativity as you seek to resolve repeated conflicts. Embrace this tension as fuel for your personal growth and self-discovery.
In conclusion, aspects in astrology, such as the Sun Square Moon, provide insight into the unique dimensions of your personality. They help astrologers and individuals alike understand the complexities of the human psyche. Embrace the tension and creative spark that this aspect brings, using it as a catalyst for personal growth and self-expression. Remember, astrology is a tool to enhance your understanding of yourself and the world around you.